Entertainment: Amuse Korea Entertainment
Debut: June, 2012
Fan Club: -
Fun Facts:
- He has the Wild Chic Gene, which has the power to “communicate with the animals.
- He can communicate with wilds and handle at his will.“

Fun Facts:
- He has the Destiny Gene, which has the power to “light the dark and guide all to the path of virtues. Based on the story of ‘Hermes’from the ancient Green and Roman.”

Fun Facts:
- Starred in the musical “Carpe Diem“.
- He has the Organic Gene, which has the power to “He has the gene to handle the mother nature.
- Especially he can control the wind to get obstacles out of the way quite freely.”

Fun Facts:
- His Gene is the Mypace Gene which as the power to“regeneratethe shriveled and faded.
- He is full of mischief and sense of humor to cure the depressed and instill the happiness.“

Fun Facts:
- Was in the variety show “Dream Team“.
- He acted in the Japanese movie RUN60 as “Tobi” along with member Shin.
- He has the Gorgeous Gene. “The lonely king who lives in an ice palace all by himself just like the snow queen in a fairytale. He has the power to move to the other’s mind. Anybody would be fascinated by looking into his eyes.”

Fun Facts:
- He is currently acting in the drama “Big” as Kang Gyung Joon.
- He acted in “Bachelor’s Vegetable Store” as Lee Chan Sol.
- He acted in the Japanese movie RUN60 with member Takuya.
- Fans have commented on his striking resemblance to INFINITE‘s L.
- His Gene is the Presh Gene. “He shines himself brightly and twinkle.Anything he touches would be bleached or colored shiny.“
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