Real Name: Kim Han Gil (김한길)
Birthday: July 26th, 1988 (Year of the Dragon)
Height | Weight: 178cm (5’9) | 66kg (145 lbs)
Zodiac: Leo
Blood Type: O
Real Name: Namekawa Yasuo (나메카와 야스오)
Birthday: March 23rd, 1987 (Year of the Rabbit)
Height | Weight: 177cm (5’8) | 64kg (141 lbs)
Zodiac: Aries
Blood Type: A
Real Name: Kim Gi Seok (김기석)
Birthday: February 14th, 1990 (Year of the Horse)
Height | Weight: 177cm (5’8) | 64kg (141 lbs)
Zodiac: Aquarius
Blood Type: AB
Real Name: Sim Jong Su (심종수)
Birthday: February 27th, 1991 (Year of the Sheep)
Height | Weight: 185cm (6’0) | 75kg (165 lbs)
Zodiac: Pisces
Blood Type: A
Postingan Anda sangat menarik, informative and bermanfaat buat bnyak orang gan.. Thanks for sharing and keep blogging! :)